日本財団 図書館


(5) Policies regarding road


Due to the national policy to put priority on the road, a sizable amount has been invested to it improvement. In the 7th Road Improvement 5 Year Plan, a total budget of 97.833 billion bahts is provided for, which is almost twice as big as the total budget for the railways in the same period. In the 7th plan (table 2.5 - 2), the following 4 points are mainly pursued.


(a) In order to alleviate the traffic jam and to relieve Bangkok of the extreme concentration, toll speed-way are to be constructed in between major cities.


(b) In order to alleviate the traffic jam, the major roads connecting Bangkok to rural areas or major cities are to be improved such as widening.


(c) In order to fully utilize the existing roads, a priority is to be placed on improvements and repairs thereof.


(d) In order to reduce traffic accidents, a priority is to be placed on traffic safety measures.






